GMES and Africa conducted capacity development training on Service delivery

The training held from 23 to 25 July 2018, in Nairobi Kenya. Trainees are drawn from thirteen consortia and their partners who are awarded the GMES and Africa grant to implement the GMES and Africa project in their respective regions of Africa.

The training has showcased concrete examples of repackaging of Earth Observation products such as maps and statistics, into easier-to-use information by users. The aim of the training is bridging technical service packages into to useful information for utilization by the user community. 

The training is focused on conversion of information and communication packages to complete the cycle of service delivery and utilization said Meshack Ndiritu, training officer at the Department of Human Resources, Science and Technology of the African Union commission. The training is meant to bring the consortia to the same page regarding strategies to bridge the service to end-users added Meshack. 

During the training, representatives of 13 consortia and their partners shared their practical experiences in Earth Observation derived service packaging, service delivery and the communication in their respective regions. 

Thomas Kukuk, Geo-Data Product Manager at GAF-AG based in Germany has facilitated the training. He as wide experience in the field of Earth Observation service packaging and service delivery using Copernicus Data.

Group photo of the GMES and Africa Service Delivery Training
Report and Presentations of the training available below
Report of the Service Delivery Training

DAY 01
Agenda and Programme of work 
Introduction of the programme of work
User levels and delivery modes
Remote Sensing Application_Success_Stories
Users Need wrap up_day1

DAY 02
A Taxonomy of EO Services Marketing
EARSC Product Specification DRD guideline Iss 1.1
Practice_Standard_for_WBS-Second Edition

DAY 03
Service_Users feedback_communication_v1
EARSC Product Specification DRD guideline Iss 1.1
Intervention_Report_REF 13 Service Delivery _ Training_and_Workshop

Experiences of Consortia
AGEOS Presentation
CICOS Presentation
CSE Presentation
CSIR Presentation
CSSTE Presentation
ICPAC Presentation
NARSS Presentation
OSS Presentation
RCMRD Presentation
SADC-CSC Presentation
SASSCAL Presentation
UoG Presentation

25 Photos of the event are available here


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