
Showing posts from 2023

GMES et l'Afrique: Quelques analyses autour de la couverture médiatique du forum de Sharm El Sheikh (EN, FR)

De l’approche projet à l’approche programme, quel plaidoyer pour les décideurs ?

GMES and Africa North Africa Hackathons: Les enseignements

GMES North Africa Consortium successfully completed its second Hackathon

Dunia: A platform designed to support African access to and use of Copernicus data

Africa’s Earth Observation community convenes around ‘resilience and innovation’ in the continent

Advancing Africa's Future: GMES & Africa's Commitment to Earth Observation and Sustainable Development

GMES North Africa Consortium and the European Space Agency (ESA) Hackathon

We are gearing up to the Forum with enthusiasm: GMES and Africa Coordinator, Dr. Tidiane Ouattara

GMES and Africa showcases African EO priorities at the GEO Week in Cape Town, South Africa

Countdown to First Forum of GMES and Africa’s Phase 2 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

GMES in North Africa calls tenders for a mobile application to support farmers' watering work

GMES and Africa: Under the AU banner, the Programme is about to storm the 2023 GEO Week in Cape Town

Unlocking the Potential of Marine and Coastal Management in Africa: MarCNoWA Thesis Completion Grants

1er Dialogue Afrique Europe sur l'Espace, une nouvelle étape fondatrice après 20 années de collaboration

Two joint AU-EU programs invited in Space Star 2023: GMES and JPO

EOcafe: Building Bridges, Strengthening European EO Industry Partnerships with Africa

Nurturing Africa's Next Gen Innovators: The Rise of GAIA Clubs

Le Programme GMES : Sources de données, de motivation et d’inspiration pour les Scientifiques Africains

GMES and Africa: harnessing EO observation for a sustainable blue economy

El Pais: African nations join forces to enter the modern space race

GMES and Africa (North Africa): towards an extension of the land degradation monitoring service to Africa?

ASREN (AfricaConnect 3) is conducting a Survey of Connectivity Needs in the African Communities

Working Group Africa: Formation de formateurs à l’utilisation des données et services Copernicus

Geo Symposium 2023: The G&A Coordinator was invited

GMES and Africa Regional Workshop (Southern Africa): Earth Observation bridging the gap between science and policy

EXPANDEO Conference: June 13-14, 2023, Brussels-Belgium. G&A invited

AfricaNews.Space: Longtemps considérée comme en retard, l'Afrique se tourne vers l'Espace avec ambition

Newspace Africa Conference 2023: Africa ready to leap forward and catch up on space, ESTI Commissioner tells

Retour sur: Le CSE célèbre la Journée Internationale de la Femme

GMES and Africa: A glance on MISLAND for decision making on Land degradation

GMES and Africa: Stakeholders deliberate on the deployment of EO in support of natural resource management

ESA EO AFRICA R&D funds 17 African-European research teams in the field of EO applications

African Union Commission: ClimSA invites bidders to supply, deliver and install Earth Station, and train beneficiaries

GMES and Africa shares the African Union Commission perspective at an international workshop on Space security

The African Union Commission participates in the JPO SATNAV Steering Committee in Brussels

Potential Collaborations between G&A and other Initiatives: the Pan African Planetary and Space Science Network (PAPSSN)

GMES and Africa Training: Socioeconomic Valuation of Degraded Lands and Wetlands, 6-8 March 2023

GMES and Africa Training: Earth Observation Applications in Wetlands Monitoring and Assessment

GMES and Africa: Leaders convene for integrated management meeting at RCMRD, Nairobi, Kenya

At the 6th G-STIC, GMES and Africa Leadership Dives Deep into Earth Observation and the Sustainable Development Goals

GMES and Africa: PMU embarks on monitoring missions across the continent, to examine consortia performance against agreed targets and deliverables

GMES and Africa Western Africa: A Project at the Heart of Wetland Issues

The NewSpace Africa Conference 2023 is to open in Abidjan on 25 April 2023

GMES and Africa: Some insights on the issue of data and Infrastructures

NewSpace Africa Conference 2023: Register for GMES & Africa Startups Development Programme

African Research Fellowships Call 2023: ESA offers 1-year fellowships to four African Researchers to work at the ESA-ESRIN

GMES and Africa: Some insights on the growing importance of Space in Africa's development

World Meteorological Organisation: State of Global Water Resources 2021

15th European Space Conference - The G&A Program Coordinator recalls that space cooperation between Africa and Europe is an obligation for the 2 continents, historically and geographically the closest

GMES and AFRICA Northern Africa: Official launch by OSS of the GuetCrop platform for Crop Monitoring and Early Warning in North-Africa

African Union Commission: Signature of the Host Agreement for the African Space Agency, in Cairo, 24 January 2023