
Showing posts from November, 2021

EUMETSAT: Webinar on Earth Observation for Marine Applications in Africa

GMES and Africa: eStations - le spatial au service de la recherche et de l’environnement

EUMETSAT: the JRC eStation software - version 2.2.2 – is now available.

Africa GIS 2021: Un concours pour la Sécurité alimentaire et les Ressources en eau

Teachers appeal to GMES and Africa to offer Scholarship Schemes to Excelling Girls at the Second Cycle Institutions in Africa

ESA EO AFRICA R&D: Call for Research Proposals 2021

Africa Union Commission: Spotlight on Infrastructure Development in Africa at Expo 2020, Connections with GMES and Africa

Save the date: Discover how the Copernicus Marine Data and Products can cater for Africa

GMES et l'Afrique: Pour une économie bleue au service du développement

ICPAC: launch of East Africa Drought Watch

EUMETSAT: Invitation to ClimSA Inaugural Forum' 21, 15,16 & 18 November 2021

Gain insight on...Les relations Union européenne-Afrique sur la question spatiale

Save the date: 22-27 Nov., AfricaGIS 2021 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast

African Union Commission: Youth-Led Solutions For Building The Africa We Want