The Programme

The Global Monitoring for Environment and Security and Africa (GMES and Africa) Support Programme is co-financed by the European Commission and the African Union Commission. The Programme intends to adapt and use the Copernicus Programme data and services in Africa. Phase I of the GMES and Africa programme ran from 2018 to 2021, and Phase II is being executed from 2022 to 2025.

GMES and Africa is designed to specifically respond to African needs concerning developing services for water, natural resources, marine and coastal areas, address the global needs to manage the environment, and ensure civil security.


GMES and Africa addresses at least eight (8) main policies and strategies at the continental level:


The GMES and Africa Programme aims to improve African policy-makers, planners, scientists,
business and private sector and citizens’ capacities to design, implement, and monitor national,
regional and continental policies and to promote sustainable management of natural resources
using Earth Observation data and derived information.

GMES and Africa will enable the implementation of the African Space Policy, and Strategy formulated to harness the continent’s capabilities in utilizing space science and technology for economic growth and sustainable development.

The Uniqueness of GMES & Africa

Unlike prior Earth Observation programmes in Africa, GMES and Africa introduces five key
  • The inclusion of the North African countries.
  • The programme is managed entirely by the African Union Commission.
  • The engagement of African private sector.
  • The engagement of African academia.
  • Use of Copernicus Sentinel data.

Geographical Coverage

GMES & Africa covers the entire African continent, unlike its predecessors, such as MESA, which focused on Sub-Saharan Africa, excluding the Northern Africa region. This arrangement will facilitate the ‘continentalization’ of GMES & Africa Services, enabling equal distribution of resources and strengthening EO capacity and collaboration across the entire continent.

Our consortia

The Programme is currently implemented by eight Consortia of institutions representing the African continent’s Eastern, Western, Northern, Southern and Central regions.

What We Work On

Our services

Contact Us

African Union Commission
Department of Education, Science, Technologies and Innovation
P.O.Box 3243
Roosevelt Street, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Twitter: @GMESAfrica
Facebook: gmesafrica
Tel: (+251) 11 5517700


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