
Showing posts from 2022

Fisherwomen are given EO knowledge to safeguard their investments and lives

MarCNoWA ends 2022 with the launch of the GAIA Initiative for Youth

GMES and Africa Training: Session en ligne et en français sur la maintenance de la eStation

ESA EO Africa R&D Facility: The Space Academy

Potential collaborations between GMES and Africa and other initiatives: A look at the Niger Basin Authority

GMES and Africa Training: 1st JRC online session on eStation Maintenance

GMES and Africa Technical Committee: EU partners describe the Programme as a reference point for the European and African Unions Commissions

GMES and Africa Service Workshop: Coordinator urges consortia to utilise available African expertise in developing their services

RCMRD Map Competition Winners Award Ceremony Webinar Registration.

GMES and Africa Service Workshop: The programme is convening its first joint workshop from 23 to 25 November 2022 in Dakar, Senegal

GMES and Africa Training: JRC online sessions on eStation Maintenance

African Union: H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat Launches 1 Million Next Level Initiative During 3rd Pan African Youth Forum

Save the date: AERAP Roundtable on the future potential for Africa-Europe collaboration on research Instructure and related science and innovation capacity

GMES and Africa Western Africa: Promotion of Earth Observation Services for Fishers' Communities. The case of the people of Abandze, Ghana

GEO Week 2022, Accra: G&A Coordinator underscores the need for more synergies among Earth Observation Programs in Africa and a critical mass of human capital

GMES and Africa Services: Save the date - On 3 Nov 0900 Tunis, OSS implements an online workshop on Land Degradation monitoring using MISLAND

GMES and Africa: The Women in G&A group champions earth observation advocacy in the continent

13th AARSE Conference, Kigali: GMES and Africa trains 20 young African entrepreneurs on how to develop their businesses

13th AARSE Conference, Kigali : G&A Coordinator urges African academics and researchers to actively collaborate in feeding the capacity needs of the continent’s space sector

13th AARSE Conference, Kigali : Young African scientists tap into IT and EO for innovative solutions to the continent's development challenges

13th AARSE Conference, Kigali : The event dwells on the role of space and geospatial technologies in realizing the Africa We Want

GMES and Africa Regional Workshop (Northern Africa) : EO for Decision Support in Water and Natural Resources Management in North Africa, 19-21 Oct. 2022

GMES and AFRICA Western Africa : Fishermen Called on the Involvement of Women to Ensure Safety at Sea

GMES and Africa Training: JRC Webinar on Mobile App (eStation), 12 Oct. 2022

GMES and Africa Access to Data and Products : Copernicus cooperation arrangement workshop, 11-12 Oct. 2022

GMES and Africa Continental Workshop : Atelier Continental sur le Suivi de la Dégradation des Terres en Afrique, Abidjan, 3-7 Oct. 2022

GMES and Africa Regional Workshop (Eastern Africa) : RCMRD & ICPAC hold first regional Workshop for East Africa in Kampala, 28-30 Sep. 2022

Remote sensing and spatial data for a better management of the groundwater resources

ESA EO AFRICA R&D Facility: Call for Research Proposals 2023

GMES and Africa Regional Workshop (Southern Africa) : Unlocking the potential of space technologies to address Southern Africa’s critical challenges in the spotlight

JRC eStation software - Upgrade to version 2.2.3

GMES and Africa Regional Workshop (Western Africa) : Atelier Régional d’Echanges pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest, 20-22 Sept. 2022

GMES and Africa Regional Workshop (Central Africa) : CICOS Regional Workshop to Strengthen Government and Stakeholders on EO in Central Africa, 19-21 Sep. 2022

GMES and Africa Regional Workshops: stakeholders to share ideas and best practices at upcoming Regional Workshops

GMES and Africa Training : Announcement of Courses developed by EO Africa R&D Facility

GMES and Africa Upcoming Trainings

Marine and coastal service beneficiaries in Ghana applaud crucial interventions by GMES & Africa

GMES and Africa Continental Workshop digs deep into issues affecting marine and coastal services in Africa

GMES and Africa Continental Workshop on Marine and Coastal Services kicks off in Accra, Ghana

GMES and Africa Outreach and Awareness Raising : As phase 2 kicks in, The Programme mobilizes for a new era of strategic communications

GMES and Africa Services Workshop : G&A Community head to Accra, Ghana for the programme’s first conclave on Marine and Coastal Areas

GMES and Africa: Technical Experts Committee convenes in its first meeting, to unravel issues around data access and usage by African institutions

GMES and Africa Services Workshop : G&A Stakeholders convene at a continental workshop to discuss the revitalization of the program's Water and Natural Resources services delivery

GMES Youth Capacity Strengthening Agenda Bearing Fruit

GMES and Africa Kick off of Projects : RCMRD commits to expanding its scholarship and internship offers

GMES and Africa Kick off of Projects : AUC and ICPAC discuss the strengthening of the infrastructure for data access

African Union: 10 fellows to drive Digital Innovation

GMES and Africa Kick off of Projects : RCMRD Phase 2 will be driven by cross fertilization

GMES and Africa Kick off of Projects : ICPAC reveals plans to revitalize its training services

FUN MOOC: Gain practical understanding of the strengths and limitations of machine learning!

African Union: World Skills Africa Swakopmund 2022, 28 March - 2 April

Space in Africa: the NewSpace Africa Startup Pitch Competition extents its deadline to 30 March 2022

African Union: Africa needs to accelerate its commitments to enhance disaster risk management

GMES and Africa Group of Women: The 1st Africa Women in EO Workshop was held on 16-18 March in Cotonou - Benin

African Union: Launch of the "What African Women Want" Campaign, to rally more action on women's empowerment on International Women's Day.

AIR Centre: Networking Friday on Ocean Observation, Collaboration among Ocean Decade Actions - March 11, 2022, 1-2 PM UTC

GMES and Africa: 14-18 March - Kick off of the Phase 2 of the Programme, awards ceremony and capacity building workshop

Save the date: Air Center - Networking Friday on Women Empowerment in Aquaculture, March 4, 2022 1-3 PM UTC

6e Sommet Afrique-Union Européenne: Les 2 unions doivent inventer de nouveaux mécanismes de collaboration

African Union Commission: The AMHEWAS Situation Room for Disaster Risk Reduction is open for business

Africa and Europe: A joint vision for 2030

Copernicus: Horizon 2035

Afrique-Europe: Découvrez la Stratégie spatiale européenne et la nouvelle alliance entre l'Afrique et l'Europe

GMES and Africa - Copernicus Partnership: Roundtable Discussion on Space for Sustainable Development

AU-EU Partnership: Share your views on the joint AU-EU Innovation Agenda !

GMES and Africa: Women and Girls in Science - the Programme's Commitments

Copernicus-GMES and Africa Partnership: Save the date ! Space for sustainable development

African Union: Press Briefing by H.E. Prof. Mohammed Belhocine new ESTI Commissioner, for the 35th AU Summit

AU-EU: The 1st edition of the Africa-Europe week

AU-EU partnership: the 6th European Union-African Union summit

African Union: Nomination of the new Commissioner for Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (ESTI)

GMES and Africa: Restitution des résultats AGEOS

EU JRC: Discover the JRC Big Data Analytics Platform (BDAP)

African Union: At the Expo2020 in Dubai, gender is in the spotlight

EU JRC: The new Africa Knowledge Platform (AKP) is up and running