
Showing posts from 2018

Season’s Greetings

Save the Date: GMES and Africa Workshop on Marine and Coastal Areas Services

GEO and Amazon Web Services collaborate to provide cloud credits for projects that improve understanding of our planet

Save the Date: GMES and Africa Workshop on Water and Natural Resources Services

Dissemination of Copernicus Sentinel-2 Level-2A products worldwide

Media Monitoring: More than 500 media houses covered the first forum of the GMES and Africa

Unlocking Africa’s Earth Observation Potential at the 1st GMES & Africa Forum

Eight GMES and Africa Experts trained on Services Design at JRC-EC

SAVE the Date: the GMES & Africa Kick off Meeting, for Northern African Coastal Zone, will be held from 8-9 November 2018, in Cairo Egypt.

The 1st GMES and Africa Forum will be held in Gabon

#GMES&Africa #ICPAC: Sustainable Environmental Policies and plans underway

SASSCAL launches GMES and Africa Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Service for Transboundary Basins in Southern Africa

Tunis hosts the Kick-off Meeting of the GMES and Africa project for northern Africa

The GMES and AFRICA Support Programme participates in the TEANGEO 2018

The Abidjan Declaration Signed

The GMES and Africa Support Programme holds its second technical experts meeting in Abidjan

1st GMES and Africa Forum hosting agreement signed

GMES and Africa Newsletter Volume 01 No. 02 is published

Save the date: 1st Forum of the GMES and Africa, 19 - 23 November 2018, Libreville, Gabon

AUC calls upon the Communications Working group to play critical role in awareness raising

GMES and Africa conducted capacity development training on Service delivery

Horizon 2020 Call for Projects on Climate Services for Africa

GMES and Africa Support Programme attended the third AfriGEOSS Symposium

GMES and Africa is at Toulouse Space Show 2018

Pathways towards tailored climate and environment service delivery system in Africa tabled for discussion

The African Union Commission signed Cooperation arrangement in the area of data access and use of Sentinel data of the Copernicus programme

GMES and Africa issues its first Newsletter

GMES and Africa Sets the Stage for the Signing of Implementation Contracts with 13 Consortia

GMES & Africa Technical Committee gears up for maiden meeting in Tunis

The African Union Commission calls upon the thirteen consortia of African institutions to align their services to the Regional Economic Communities regional priorities

1st GMES and AFRICA Consortia Information Exchange and Technical Workshop, 23-27 April - Nairobi

The GMES and Africa Communication and Engagement Strategy is available online

GMES and Africa Coordinator Addresses EO and Africa’s Development at Digital Earth Summit

Lu dans SciDev : La formation, élément clé de la maîtrise des technologies spatiales

Save the date: The EUMETCAST Africa service will move from 5° location to 8° location!

Save the date: Sentinel 3B will be launched on April 25th

TAHMO: A plan for 20,000 weather stations in Africa

Experiences and results of users of Earth Observation data from Sentinel2 tabled for discussion in Morocco

Establishment of Humanitarian and Early Warning Mechanisms in Africa

Marine User Handbook for Sentinel-3 users available online

Copernicus helps reduce the risk of coastal flooding and erosion

GMES & Africa discusses usage and applications of Copernicus Data

Sentinel monitors Harmful Algal Blooms

ESA provides Earth Observation data from non-ESA missions to users freely

A year of achievements and Copernicus plans for 2018