1st GMES and AFRICA Consortia Information Exchange and Technical Workshop, 23-27 April - Nairobi

In view of the Tunisia meeting in May with the European partners, the present workshop has been set for the selected consortia to continue discussions around the services they propose to deliver. 

The Consortia will contribute at the local, national and regional levels to the GMES and AFRICA Programme.

Hence, on one hand it is important for them to well understand they work under one banner, the Programme main strategies, but also to know each other activities, to visualize possible areas of common interest where resources can be shared.

In this respect, the meeting will keenly analyze the details of each proposal and identify capacity needs with a view to strengthen various elements. The meeting will also identify different needs (such as data, infrastructure, skills, etc.) of the consortia to better inform the capacity building framework. In addition, the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and organizations will take part in the meeting, with an objective of strengthening the nexus for regional coordination and policy guidance.

On the other hand, the meeting is a way for the Programme management Team to continue collecting needs and expectations, notably in terms of technical assistance. The meeting will also give the RECs and the Regional organizations an opportunity to plan the Regional Implementation Advisory Committees where matters relating to the region and GMES & africa services will be discussed.

At the end, it is expected that key findings on the precise needs of each consortia lead to a more focused implementation plan for each of the consortia. And, altogether, these elements will ease the monitoring, both for the consortia and the African Union Commission.

The workshop is being hold in the Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD) - Nairobi, Kenya.


Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5



  • Under development



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