GMES and Africa: Women And Innovation - The Reality of Europe-Africa

On July 3, the "Women and Innovation: The Euro-African Reality" webinar was held by Women & GMES and Africa. The event aimed to promote women's participation in the African space sector, bringing together participants from diverse backgrounds to discuss Earth observation. Organized in partnership with key institutions, the webinar featured experts, professionals, and stakeholders who addressed the challenges and opportunities related to women's inclusion in the space industry.


The space industry is essential for sustainable development, natural resource management, and climate change resilience. In Africa, technologies like Earth observation satellites are crucial for environmental monitoring, agriculture, and disaster management. However, women's participation in this sector is limited.

The webinar aimed to promote the inclusion of women in the African space sector by encouraging their active participation, highlighting their contributions, and discussing challenges they face. It facilitated exchanges between educational institutions, space organizations, and women professionals to explore new collaboration opportunities between Africa and Europe. The webinar also emphasized the importance of support and mentoring networks for women in the space sector.

Additionally, it aimed to educate and inspire by sharing successful projects and case studies where female innovation had a significant impact. Practical advice was offered to young women and girls interested in space careers, and resources like mentoring and support networks were highlighted.

The webinar discussed educational programs that encourage women to enter the space sector and proposed strategies to overcome cultural barriers. It raised awareness about the importance of inclusion and diversity in the space industry, promoting a respectful and inclusive work environment.

Lastly, the event underscored how women's inclusion in the space sector contributes to sustainable development in Africa, addressing local and regional challenges through innovative solutions driven by diverse perspectives.

Operating mode

Six speakers delivered a presentation and were also questioned by the moderator, Ms Imane El Khantouti.
  • Dr. Alessandra TASSA, Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes (ESA)
  • Ms Viola OTIENO, African Union Commission (AUC)/NORCAP
  • Dr. Linda TOMASSINI, The use of Copernicus for sustainable development in Africa (CNES)
  • Ms Judith Delany, Perihelion // CEO & Co-Founder WIA-Europe // Regional Network Lead Austria
  • Ms Valérie BARTHE, Head of Customer Relationships Training Solutions Aerospace-valley
  • Dr. Jane Bemigisha, Director ESIPPS International Ltd

A Q&A session followed the presentations, allowing participants to interact with the speakers and to delve deeper into the discussed topics.
The webinar was attended by 100 participants.

Questions and replies

Dr. Jane Bemigisha shared successful projects where women's innovations significantly impacted the African space industry, emphasizing their crucial roles in developing space technologies to solve local and regional issues.

Judith Delany offered advice for young women aspiring to join the space industry, stressing perseverance, continuous training, and mentorship. She highlighted resources available for those facing discrimination and the importance of professional networks for finding mentors.

Alessandra Tassa discussed the need to strengthen partnerships between educational institutions and space organizations to improve women's participation in the space industry. She advocated for increased access to education and training programs for women.

Linda Tomasini shared examples of projects that fostered partnerships between Africa and Europe, highlighting mutual benefits. She provided strategies to overcome cultural barriers and encourage more women to pursue space careers.

Viola Otieno outlined CUA's initiatives and future plans to promote women's inclusion in the space sector, stressing the importance of regional and continental cooperation for innovation and inclusivity.

Valérie Barthe shared successful training programs promoting women's inclusion in the aerospace sector. She discussed lessons learned from projects in Africa and best practices for strengthening partnerships between Africa and Europe.


The Webinar was recorded


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