The Abidjan Declaration Signed

The Minister for Transport of the Republic of Cote d'lvoire, and representatives of the African Union Commission (AUC), the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET), and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) ECCAS, ECOWAS, IGAD, and SADC signed the Abidjan Declaration on the occasion of the 13th EUMETSAT User Forum For Africa. Representatives of the World   Meteorological   Organization   (WMO),  the   ACP Group of States Secretariat, the African Centre of Meteorological  Applications  for  Development  (ACMAD), and the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) attended the signing ceremony. 

On behalf of the African Union Commission, Dr. Dr. Mahama Ouedraogo, Director of the Human Resources Science and Technology, commends the signature of the Abidjan Declaration shows Africa’s joint effort  in addressing the impacts of climate change in the continent using Earth Observation data and from Space. The African Space Strategy identities Weather and Climate as key societal needs that  can be addressed using earth observation satellites; and also identifies international partnerships as opportunities to support the development of  products and services to contribute to the socio economic development of Africa.

Group Photo of  Signing Ceremony of the Abidjan Declaration
H. E. Amadou Koné, Minister for Transport in Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, on behalf of the Government of  Côte d’Ivoire underlines the contributions of  MeteoSat third Generation Satellites to sustainable development and said “Satellite data are assets for many applications in Africa”.

The Abidjan Declaration contributes, African to benefit from the Meteosat Third Generation satellite, which will be launched in 2021. It will provide more accurate and frequent data, as well as new features such as a Lightening Detection. 

About 170 participants from national meteorological and hydrological services, government agencies and regional institutions from more than 50 African countries attended the 13th EUMETSAT User Forum in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. The GMES and Africa is an Earth Observation Programme lead by the African Union commission. The Programme aims at transforming Earth observation data and information into tailor made services to various users in Africa.

The GMES and Africa Support Programme is co funded by the European Union and the African Union Commission.  


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