
Showing posts from July, 2019

Why Africa is the new Eldorado for Space business? African Space Science expert speaks at ISU

The Massive Open Online Course on Radar Remote Sensing course will start on 15 September 2019

Dr. Tidiane Ouattara, GMES & Africa Programme Coordinator To Speak At ISU Alumni Conference 2019

The 2019 Living Planet Symposium Deliberates on How Earth Observation Contributes to Sustainable Development

Mediterranean and Middle-East Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2020 (M2GARSS) calls for participation

Train yourself on Copernicus programme and related activities - COPERNICUS INFOSESSIONS

Train yourself on Copernicus programme and related activities - EO/GI Courses

Compare some EO satellites capacities

Discover 10 grantees of the Airbus BizLab #Africa4Future accelerator programme

The World Bank calls for service providers on Strengthening HYDROMET, Flood, and Drought Management Services in Central Africa

How GMES and Africa, Using Earth Observation, Improves the Lives Of African People? (Part Two)

How GMES and Africa, Using Earth Observation, Improves the Lives Of African People? (Part One)