EUMETSAT: the PUMA/MESA 2015 software version 1.3.5 is now available

PUMA/MESA stations' owners are recommended to proceed with the installation of this new release as soon as possible, to take advantage of the new features and products.
[Update 01/12/2021]

The software can be installed on existing PUMA/MESA 2015 stations using a bootable USB ISO stick. Note that this will be a complete reinstallation of the software.

Two options for this:
  • Order a bootable USB ISO stick to EUMETSAT. In that case, contact the User Service Helpdesk ( by 22 October 2021. Once you receive the bootable USB ISO stick, install the software as described in the document ‘Technical Note - PUMA2015 Software Installation from an USB ISO Bootable Stick’ which can also be found on the above SFTP server.

Relevant user documentation, including the Administration Manual and Release Notes, can be found here:

Please note that the following Meteosat meteorological products are no longer available as they have been discontinued:
  • Cloud Analysis (CLA)
  • Cloud Analysis Image (CLAI)
  • Divergence (DIV)
  • Normalised Difference Vegetation Index / Normalised Difference Vegetation Index Decadal (NDVI/NDVD)
  • Tropospheric Humidity (TH)
  • Total Ozone (TOZ)

In addition, the latest version of the SYNERGIE-PUMA Administration Manual is now available in French and can be downloaded from: 
The document is called ‘20211129 SYNERGIE-PUMA-2020 ManuelAdministration FR V2.2.pdf’.

For questions or support, contact the User Service Helpdesk (


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