GMES and Africa Kick off of Projects : RCMRD commits to expanding its scholarship and internship offers

The Regional Center for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD) in Nairobi, Kenya, has unveiled plans to expand and deepen the involvement of students and interns in its project of the second phase of GMES and Africa. The lead institution of one of GMES and Africa’s consortia in Eastern Africa, RCMRD is poised to host Masters and PhD students plus interns within various project teams and thematic areas. 

    The RCMRD Led Project Coordinator, DR Degelo Sendabo Sariko 

The RCMRD management team had a dialogue recently with representatives of the GMES and Africa programme management team from the African Union Commission (AUC). The meeting was part of consultative engagements between the AUC and GMES and Africa consortia, at the onset of the programme’s second implementation phase. 

RCMRD will be working with Makerere University to review student proposals and choose the best students for the postgraduate scholarship awards. The RCMRD project manager reported that the Masters students supported by the Center in the first phase of GMES and Africa did publish quality research papers. It was noted at the meeting that the involvement of interns and offer of stipends are a way of enhancing motivation and innovation. At least one scholarship grant is to be offered in each project country covered by RCMRD. Project partners in the various countries will assist with the identification and collection of proposals from eligible students. 

RCMRD provides information and tools for decision-making relating to land degradation, wetlands monitoring and assessment, and agro-ecological zonings. The consortium’s target beneficiaries include communities and individuals dealing with natural resources management at all levels, including farmers, local authorities and policy makers. 



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