GMES and Africa: Invitation to tenders for the maintenance and repair of the 188 MESA/PUMA 2015 receiving ground stations

Under GMES and Africa Support Programme, the African Union Commission has allocated funds for maintaining and repairing the MESA and PUMA-2015 receiving ground stations, delivered under the MESA Programme. Eligible bidders are invited to submit sealed tenders.  

The Global Monitoring for Environment and Security and Africa (GMES and Africa) Support Programme is built on the achievements of predecessor Earth Observation Programmes in Africa. These include the Monitoring for Environment and Security in Africa Project (MESA, 2013-2017), the African Management of the Environment for Sustainable Development Project (AMESD, 2007-2013) and the Preparation for the use of Meteosat Second Generation in Africa Programme (PUMA, 2001-2006).

Under the GMES and AFRICA Support Programme, AUC coordinates and oversees the maintenance of 188 existing PUMA 2015 and MESA stations for EUMETCast Africa C-Band data flows acquisition, visualization and processing.  

The deadline for submission of proposals is 12 March 2021 at 1500 h UTC+3.  

Bidders may request for clarifications no less than seven (7) days from the deadline for submission, from: The Chairperson, Internal Procurement Committee, African Union Commission, Telephone number (+251) 11 5517700, Ext 4341, Email tender[at] with a copy to Munhamoa[at] (E-mail addresses are for Clarifications Only)

Bidders must submit the following documents: (i) Certificate of incorporation (Company Registration); (ii) At Least 3 contactable references in the last 5 years and (iii) Company
profile demonstrating at least 5 years experience (iv) Valid tax clearance certificate. These documents must be part of the Technical Proposal. 

The TECHNICAL and FINANCIAL offers should be in ELECTRONIC form must be in TWO SEPARATE documents and PASSWORD protected and be delivered to the address below: tender[at] with a copy to Munhamoa[at]  


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