GMES and Africa: Wetlands management. Training on earth observation products validation and geoportal use

SASSCAL, as the lead of the WeMAST consortium, announces two Earth Observation (EO) training courses on satellite-based product development and validation and WeMAST geoportal applications and usage. Registration will close on 16 April 2021

The Okavango basin, (c) ESA

WeMAST is to design, develop and operationalise an integrated EO based platform that can provide wetland information services to target groups and end users. The target basins are the Cuvelai, Limpopo, Okavango and Zambezi, covering the following countries: Angola, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The training courses are tailor made to capacitate stakeholders on how EO data can be used to monitor wetlands as well as available spatial-explicit online-based wetland EO and in-situ data and products. The courses are made possible with funding from the GMES and Africa Support Programme, an initiative of the African Union and the European Commission

These courses are primary aimed at River Basin commissions, Water authorities, Conservation authorities, Government departments, Non-Governmental Organizations, Universities and Research Institutions, Private sector, Local authorities, and Local communities’ representatives

To register,


  • Training dates and programme

The Okavango River, (c) ESA

The Zambesi river, (c) ESA


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