GMES and Africa: 27-28 April 2021, RCMRD Open Day at Kampala

A hybrid event (virtual and physical), this open day was designed to inform various publics on the services and tools developed by RCMRD in the framework of G&A, and showcase what they can offer. 

RCMRD is among 12 successful consortia of institutions that were selected by the African Union Commission (AUC) to serve as Regional Implementing Centres for the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security and Africa (GMES and Africa) Support Programme. 

A recognized regional centre of excellence in applied EO, RCMRD is being implementing three services under G&A i.e.
  • Land Degradation Monitoring & Assessment
  • Wetlands Monitoring & Assessment
  • Open Geographical Regional Reference Vector Database for water and & agro-ecological zoning

It also delivers Training to various public


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