Gain insight on... Women in Aerospace

An AASO (African Aeronautics & Space Organisation) event that will be held on May 27, 2021 at 4pm UTC. Five speakers with exceptional backgrounds in aerospace will share their academic and professional backgrounds with the audience (350 subscriptions as of 05/05/2021).

For the President of AASO, Mr. Sekou OUEDRAOGO, Africa is a virgin continent where everything is possible, it is now high time to measure the African potential against the aeronautical and space technologies of the 21st century, the young African generations have their role to play in this construction of a better world...

And, not need to say this, the African women have as much a role to play as men, as was the case with Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson, for the aeronautics and space programs of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), to name a few.   

The key role of women in the development of the African Space sector is underlined by the African Union with 3 key texts: 
  • The Agenda 2063, the ASPIRATION 6: "An Africa whose development is people-driven, relying on the potential of African people, especially its women and youth, and caring for children".
  • The African Space Policy, notably by the foreword of the Commissioner for the Human Resources Science and Technology, (HRST, now ESTI, Education, Science, Technology and Innovation): "It is imperative that the benefits accruing from Africa’s participation in continental-level space activities should promote the empowerment of women and the youth" and "The promotion of the political, economic and social status of women and youth is a critical precursor for advancing the development of the African continent. Accordingly, priority attention will be given to ensuring gender equity and the involvement of young people in space-related activities. This imperative cuts across all policy principles and objectives advocated in this policy".
  • The African Space Strategy: "4.3.1 Leveraging space-derived benefits, Space-derived-benefits must transcend all spheres of government, from continental level right down to municipal level. In addition, benefits for women and the youth must be factored into the outcomes of these initiatives".

To register to AASO-Women in AeroSpace

About AASO
AASO's objectives are to bring together all the aeronautical and spatial conditions and resources for the sustainable development of the African continent.
  • To contribute to the development of aeronautical and space sciences in Africa
  • To promote and set up partnership development projects in connection with aeronautics and space sciences using local skills accompanied by those of the African Diaspora
  • To promote the need to mutualize the aerospace resources of the African continent which contribute to its sustainable development


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