GMES and Africa: Some insights on the growing importance of Space in Africa's development
While Africa and Europe are defining the main lines of a new joint program on Space, and the African Space Agency is emerging from the sands in Egypt, let's go back to some publications reflecting the changes in progress from the G&A blog and elsewhere
The process started several years ago in Africa, and the African Union gave it a strategic framework with the publication of Agenda 2063 (, and then the publication of its space strategy and policy.
GMES and Africa is part of this implementation framework, in a process of co-development: facilitating access to Earth Observation (EO) data/products, supporting the analysis and processing of these data, supporting capacity building of African institutions, raising awareness of EO among various potential users, etc. All of these activities contribute to the creation of an ecosystem in Africa and - in turn - contribute to the development of space in Africa.
- 26 January 2023, AUC Inaugurates the African Space Agency
- 26 January 2023, 15th European Space Conference - The G&A Program Coordinator recalls that space cooperation between Africa and Europe is an obligation for the 2 continents, historically and geographically the closest
- 16 février 2022, Afrique-Europe: Découvrez la Stratégie spatiale européenne et la nouvelle alliance entre l'Afrique et l'Europe
- 08 décembre 2022, Sommet Etats Unis-Afrique : les discussions sur l'espace sur la table des dirigeants
- 05 novembre 2021, Gain insight on...Les relations Union européenne-Afrique sur la question spatiale
- 14 mai 2021, Gain insight on.... L' Aventure spatiale en Afrique.
- 27 avril 2021, Interview: Quelles ambitions spatiales pour l'Afrique?
- 25 avril 2021, Interview: Vers l'infini et au-delà ... l'Afrique, nouvel Eldorado de l'industrie spatiale
- 24 March 2021, In the Press: Tunisia launched its first 100% home-made satellite
- 25 janvier 2021, Interview... Les Sciences spatiales, piliers du développement socio-économique de l’Afrique ?
- 06 février 2020, L'Afrique à la conquête de l'Espace
- 26 avril 2019, L’Afrique à la conquête de l’espace
- 26 juin 2019, Il faut que les Africains s'assument et collaborent entre eux
- 26 June 2019, GMES and Africa is at Toulouse Space Show 2018
- 29 January 2018, Statute of the African Space Agency (EN, FR)
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