
Showing posts from 2020

GMES and Africa: 15-16 Dec. 2020, OSS Regional training on MISBAR services

NAfcoast is the GMES and Africa Coastal and Marine Project promoting usage of earth observation in North Africa

On Dec 4th, 1-2 PM UTC, Kwame Agyekum will address the challenges in the fisheries sector with EO

Save the date, 03 dec 2020: SASSCAL will host a Climate Science Exhibition

Mission d’Appui de l’Union Africaine à l'AGEOS

Du nord au sud des formations GMES sur le suivi de l'eau et de son usage par télédétection

La deuxième newsletter d'AGEOS souligne les apports potentiels de GMES au Programme gabonais d'Affectation des Terres

GMES & Africa in collaboration with JRC and EUMETSAT organized two online trainings on the eStations

RCMRD and Esri are pleased to announce the 2020 Map Competition on the impact of land use on local communities

Les aspirations des jeunes africains, libre entreprise et nouvelles technologies

Les résultats de GDZHAO en quelques images et chiffres

Le CSE organise un atelier technique d'échange sur les résultats du Projet GMES GDZHAO

Du 24 au 26 nov. 2020, 2e volet de la formation OSS délivrée par le CRASTE-LF dans le cadre de G&A

SASSCAL/WeMAST announce two short courses on Earth Observation technology in December

AUC launches a call for baseline studies on the four Space Segments of the African Space Strategy

AU has just put live its new learning management system

The ocean and its digital twin: towards a better decision support tool?

ESA Sentinel Vision Portal: Geologic features of the Erongo region, Namibia

G&A Consortia to participate in online Thematic Special Session on African Marine & Coastal Operational Services

A glance at the ACP MEAs Programme

The futures of Space in Africa, the Spacehubs' analysis

[2020-10-07] MODIS NDVI and FAPAR 1km products available through the online JRC eStation

Lac Tchad : 34% de perte d’eau entre 2015 et 2019

GMES & Africa Online Training Course on the use of eStation for generating PFZ maps and Bulletin charts

Space In Africa short quiz about some futures developments of space in Africa

The AUC HRST Commissioner delivers a trailblazing speech during the opening of the Joint weblive G&A-MOi-LaTribune

GMES and Africa organizes training of trainers on EO for sustainable land and water management in North Africa

GMES et l'Afrique procède à la mise à jour de la fiche descriptive RAMSAR de la forêt de la N’Ganda N’Ganda en Côte d'Ivoire

Space-Tech launches an Africa-wide Innovation Challenge

Retenez la date: Le 16 septembre a 12h00 UTC le weblive sur comment créer sa startup en Afrique à partir des données marines

Eumetsat started this September a new series of open, online short courses on data discovery for weather, oceanography, air quality and climate

The use of Earth Observation (EO) data to support marine and coastal applications, example of G&A in Mauritius

19 Aug 2020 - AfricaConnect3 and AfriGEO joint workshop on potential collaborations

Discover what does the GMES and Africa Programme for wetlands in western africa

GMES and Africa holds on line training on the Socio-economic Valuation of Degraded lands and wetlands

Availability/Unavailability of EO datasets through the eStations

CRASTE-LF calls for applications to the Master's degree in Space Science and Technology (STE)

UG-GMES and EUMETSAT Joint Online Training: Protecting Fishing Grounds using Earth Observation Data

Save the date: 18-19/08, Joint JRC/CSSTE workshop on Monitoring and forecasting droughts and floods and their potential impacts

African institutions to benefit from free access to Copernicus Data

"GMES, et l'Afrique", marque la Journée Internationale de la Mangrove 2020 en Afrique de l'Ouest

In Western Africa, the GMES and Africa consortium led by UoG goes through GMS' USSD code to inform fishermen on ocean conditions

L’Observation de la Terre au service de la lutte contre la pandémie du Covid-19

Important information from the JRC eStation Team to eStation users: end of operations of PROBAV

Newspace is the new Africa

A GMES & Africa and Copernicus Marine Earth Observation Online Training will be organized in October 2020

L'OSS recherche de l'expertise pour le développement d’une plateforme bilingue de dissémination GMES

Flood in Uganda: the Copernicus Emergency Management Service has been activated

One stop repository for flood events data in West Africa

GEO and Google Earth Engine announce funding for 3 G&A Consortium-led Projects

European Union and African Union research and innovation ministers meet for the first time

Retenez la date: 26 juillet, Webinaire "Utilisation des données d'observation de la terre dans le suivi et la gestion des écosystèmes côtiers et marins"

Save the date: Copernicus MOOC - Free online class starting in September 2020

Communicating Ocean state alerts through a TV show for Slum Dwellers: the way of the G&A funded UoG led Consortium

Notez la date: 15 Juillet 2020 Webinar Geomatica "Parlons Sciences Spatiales"

Save the date: The RCMRD's Online Course on GIS for Professionals starts on 21 July 2020

AARSE Newsletter June 2020

Digital Earth releases its last newsletter

ESA Space App Camp 2020 goes digital

Towards Leveraging EO Services and Capacity Building Facilities for North African Countries: The G&A NafCOAST Best Practices

Improve Monitoring of the Nile Basin by Using Satellite Observations, the NBI experience

The NextGEOSS Platform Services, a system to support the development of EO based applications

Bientôt, un club GMES au Bénin!

Discover the GMES and Africa marine and coastal Project in Western Africa

SpaceHubs Africa is willing to build the African space ecosystem

Practise on the GMES and Africa eStations with the videotutorials of JRC

Discover the ICPAC led GMES and Africa consortium in Eastern Africa

Take part of Artificial Intelligence for Earth Observation (AI4EO) Challenges!

Innovation and Biodiversity: a blue deal for the Indian Ocean? Follow the way of the GMES MOI led Project


During CoVID lockdown, NafCoast organized two online training to Project partners

Save the date! 9-12 July 2020 online Africa-Europe Youth Meet-Up, Shaping our future together

Save the date 2-3 June 2020: Copernicus ‘eyes on earth’ online roadshow

Start now RUS Training!

Safety at Sea for Food Security in West Africa: Discover the GMES and Africa answer

The UG-GMES 2019 Innovation Challenge has his winner... Mr. Eli Kpobi, a 27 year-old student of the University of Ghana.

Leaving No One of the Map: A guide for Gridded Population Data for Sustainable Development

Apply now to the joint Microsoft's AI for Earth and the GEO BON US$I million grant Programme

Copernicus Master in Digital Earth - application open: May 4, 2020 – June 15, 2020 (23:59 CET)

Save the date: 11-19 May, Online Training on Fire Monitoring

Submit now to the leading innovation competition for Earth Observation, the Copernicus Masters

Save the date: the ActInSpace® hackathon has been postponed to the 13th & 14th November 2020

Save the date: 5-29 May 2020, The AfricaNeedSpace First Online Workshop: The end of Space Mystery

Space4Impact Call for Startups

Call for Research Demonstrators for UNFCCC COP–26

AARSE Newsletter April 2020

Springer releases the book Earth Observations and Geospatial Science in Service of Sustainable Development Goals

To celebrate the World Environment and Oceans days, the GMES and Africa UoG Project launches a Digital Arts Contest

L'OSS organise une formation en ligne sur la modélisation de la croissance du blé et l'estimation des rendements par télédétection

Some GIS-based resources to follow the COVID-19 outbreak in Africa and the World

Copernicus Observer: What impact does drought have on vegetation, and how does Copernicus help?

Free online GIS courses to help you upskill during COVID-19 lockdown

Apply now for the Farming by Satellite Prize 2020

Les Experts en Communication de GMES et l'Afrique Affutent Leurs Armes Pour la 2e Phase du Programme

CNES and AASO join forces - Africa enters the ActInSpace fold

Mapping Environmental Indicators for Potential Fishing zones Using Earth Observation Satellites

Mapping of Oil Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea Near the entrance of Suez Canal Using Sentinel-1 SAR Images

Appel à candidatures de l'OSS pour le développement des services GMES

La Communauté De Pratiques, Un Outil Pour Améliorer Le Dispositif De Participation Du Développement Du Service De Suivi Des Zones Humides En Afrique De L’ouest

Earth observations: Delivering insight for decisions

ICPAC: Desert Locust Movement Prediction

Joint Research Center: Atelier De Formation Sur Les Méthodes Et Techniques De Suivi Des Ressources Forestières

Save the date: Using the UN Biodiversity Lab to Support National Conservation and Sustainable Development Goals

Space in Africa introduces an editorial series on Space Law and Policy in Africa

Entretien Avec Hugh Eva, Centre Commun De Recherche De La Commission Européenne

Policy Makers Call for more Earth Observation Data to Manage Africa’s Marine & Coastal Areas

Copernicus Observer: Monitoring soil moisture from space with Copernicus

AUC: Climate Scientists and Policy Makers Anxious Over the Vulnerability of Communities in West Africa

GMES Experts call for investment in Space Science to tackle Climate Change

Discover the blog of the GMES and Africa Project GZDHAO

L'Afrique à la conquête de l'Espace

GEO and Google Earth Engine announce a call to action for projects to monitor the pulse of our planet

What exactly is the new EU DG DEFIS and how does it impact the Copernicus programme ?

Eumetsat On-line Data Access

Recent top stories from the African Space Industry

A glance at the 12th European Space Conference

Africa-Europe Alliance: EU boosts pan-African Internet connectivity with €30 million

GMES & Africa 2020 New Year Greetings