
Showing posts from 2021

GMES and Africa: The 2nd Continental Forum was held in Abidjan, 6-10 Dec. 2021

Space in Africa: Un coup d'oeil sur le programme spatial gabonais

EUMETSAT: Webinar on Earth Observation for Marine Applications in Africa

GMES and Africa: eStations - le spatial au service de la recherche et de l’environnement

EUMETSAT: the JRC eStation software - version 2.2.2 – is now available.

Africa GIS 2021: Un concours pour la Sécurité alimentaire et les Ressources en eau

Teachers appeal to GMES and Africa to offer Scholarship Schemes to Excelling Girls at the Second Cycle Institutions in Africa

ESA EO AFRICA R&D: Call for Research Proposals 2021

Africa Union Commission: Spotlight on Infrastructure Development in Africa at Expo 2020, Connections with GMES and Africa

Save the date: Discover how the Copernicus Marine Data and Products can cater for Africa

GMES et l'Afrique: Pour une économie bleue au service du développement

ICPAC: launch of East Africa Drought Watch

EUMETSAT: Invitation to ClimSA Inaugural Forum' 21, 15,16 & 18 November 2021

Gain insight on...Les relations Union européenne-Afrique sur la question spatiale

Save the date: 22-27 Nov., AfricaGIS 2021 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast

African Union Commission: Youth-Led Solutions For Building The Africa We Want

GMES et l'Afrique: Un Nouvel Outil pour le Suivi en temps réel des Forêts d’Afrique Centrale

GMES and Africa: 25-29 Oct. 2021, Complementary training on the eStation usage and maintenance

EUMETSAT: the PUMA/MESA 2015 software version 1.3.5 is now available

Gain insight on... Data cubes, to enable and facilitate Earth Observation applications

Gain insight on... EUMETCast ?

EUMETSAT: Follow online the 14th User Forum

EUMETSAT: Webinar EO in Africa: satellite data support for weather, hydrological and climate services

OEACP: Lancement de la plateforme InnovationXChange

GMES and Africa: 2nd Joint Service Workshop, Zanzibar, 6-10 Sep 2021

GMES and Africa: Launch of the continental Incubation Challenge 2021

Dans la Presse : Afrique - Des experts préconisent la télédétection pour préserver les forêts

Africa Union Commission: Baseline Studies and Socioeconomic Benefits of Space in Africa

GMES et l'Afrique: Atelier de formation aux outils de télédétection et SIG par le Consortium AGEOS

Save the date: upcoming 2021 OSFAC Virtual Meeting

GMES and Africa: 21-22 June 2021, 2nd Joint Workshop of G&A Network of Universities

ICPAC: Launch of the East Africa Hazards Watch

GMES and Africa eStation Installed at the CSIR

UNOOSA: 30 June 2021, The Space Economy focuses on Africa

European Union: Horizon Europe boosts EU-Africa cooperation in research & innovation

European Union: Kick off meeting of the European Space SMES using Copernicus data « SMES-AFRICA »

GMES and Africa: SASSCAL is to deliver a training on the WeMAST portal for end users

Portugal Space Webinar: The Atlantic Calls for Innovators using space data

AIR Centre: Networking Friday with the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)

EU/AU: High-Level Europe-Africa Forum on Earth Observation from Space

WEkEO Online Webinar: 10 June 2021, Land Applications in WEkEO

Gain insight on... Namibia Launches National Space Science and Technology Policy

GMES and Africa: 14-17 June, Online training on the use of CGMS statistical tool for yield forecasting

GMES et l'Afrique: Deux nouveaux projets de la CICOS développent et étendent les services G&A

GMES et l'Afrique: L' AGEOS et la CICOS organisent conjointement un atelier régional pour l'Afrique centrale

GMES et l'Afrique: Un système d’alerte des forêts d’Afrique Centrale est en cours de développement à l'AGEOS

Gain insight on.... L' Aventure spatiale en Afrique.

Interview: Prof George Wiafe advises Start-ups how to turn business into opportunity

Save the date: 11 May, ITU Workshop: Satellite Data Analysis and Machine Learning Classification with QGIS

GMES and Africa: 27-28 April 2021, RCMRD Open Day at Kampala

Gain insight on... Women in Aerospace

AIR Center: The Networking Fridays - OECD's ongoing ocean economy measurement work

GMES and Africa: 4-6 May 2021, MarCOSouth Services Stakeholder Workshop

Gain insight on... the African NewSpace Sector

Interview: Quelles ambitions spatiales pour l'Afrique?

Interview: Vers l'infini et au delà... l'Afrique, nouvel El Dorado de l'industrie spatiale

GMES et l'Afrique: 12 institutions africaines s'apprêtent à recevoir des eStations et seront formées à leur usage

European Commission: On 20/04, Launch of the Knowledge Centre on Earth Observation

GMES et l'Afrique: En Guinée équatoriale, le projet GMES SEFAC est un outil d’aide à la politique nationale

Gain insight on... Enhancing Access and Usage of Earth Observations in Environmental Decision-Making

GMES and Africa: G&A in Western Africa and the Youth

AIR Center: Networking Friday with GEO Blue Planet

EUMETSAT: A MOOC on the role of satellite Earth observation in ocean monitoring.

GMES and Africa: Wetlands management. Training on earth observation products validation and geoportal use

GMES and Africa: Discover the MarCoSouth services

European Commission: Discover the EU international Partnerships Academy Podcast series on the European Space Programme

GMES and Africa: 1st issue of the MOI-GMES East Africa Consortium newsletter

EUMETSAT: 15 March 2021, Eumetsat held a manufacturer consultation on visualisation of MTG Africa data and products

In the Press: Tunisia launched its first 100% home-made satellite

GMES and Africa: Discover the G&A Support Programme Videos

Gain insight on... Earth Observations data in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - a booklet of GEO

European Commission: An action plan to improve synergies between civil, defence and space industries

European Commission: The Open Cloud for Research Environments (OCRE) Project, an example to follow?

Gain insight on... Space Positioning and Navigation in Africa

European Commission: March 1st, Kick Off meeting of the EO Africa R&D Facility

GMES and Africa: Capacity building for youth in South Africa: the WeMast example

In the press... Le numérique peut-il sauver l'agriculture africaine ?

GMES and Africa: The use of MISBAR platform for monitoring water balance in irrigated areas and for programming geo services

GMES and Africa: 4 minutes to discover what are the G&A marine and coastal services in Western Africa

GMES and Africa: Invitation to tenders for the maintenance and repair of the 188 MESA/PUMA 2015 receiving ground stations

Gain insight on... Cartographie mondiale à très haute résolution des zones humides

GMES and Africa: 3-day Online Regional training on Flood Monitoring and Forecasting Modelling

Gain insight on... Pourquoi les satellites de transmission ont (et continueront à avoir) un rôle vital en Afrique

GMES and Africa: Le Barrage de Samandéni au Burkina Faso inscrit sur la liste des sites Ramsar

Gain insight on... Les données de Copernicus aident à surveiller et à comprendre les impacts des plantations de palmiers à huile

MERCATOR Ocean International : Flash-back to November 24, the Launch of the EU4OceanObs Project

AIR Center: January 29th, Networking Friday thematic special session on Nanosatellites

GMES and Africa: Register to the OSS second round of Trainings for the 2021 first term

GMES et l'Afrique: Le renforcement des capacités des jeunes en Afrique de l'Ouest par G&A: exemple du GDZHAO

Interview... Les Sciences spatiales, piliers du développement socio-économique de l’Afrique ?

GMES et l'Afrique: Atelier de restitution des services terrestres G&A pour l’Afrique du nord

GMES and Africa: 2nd Newsletter of the RCMRD

Save the date: Appel à Publication 2021 par le CRTS Maroc

Save the date: Launch of Africa’s Development Dynamics 2021

European Commission: €82.5 million to strengthen cooperation with Africa in digital and space technology

GMES et l'Afrique: Appel à Expertise pour le développement d'un système d'alerte sur les forêts d'Afrique Centrale

GMES and Africa : Best wishes of the Programme Coordinator for 2021